The Ultimate SEO Package

No Other SEO Company Can Offer A Package Like This

No Other SEO Company Can Get Results Like This Package Can

No Other SEO Company Can Offer….

“Swallow Your Market Whole” Keyword Research

“Silo On Steroids” Website Structure Internal Linking

“PowerLinks” Backlinks Rocket Fuel For Your Rankings

What SEO Do You get For Your Money

Keyword Research to establish your keyword targets with the most relevant traffc so not a dollar of SEO is wasted.


Hint: we can use stealth tools to spy on your competitors’ paid Adwords campaigns and cherry pick their best performing keywords and target them for SEO. Leverage your competitors’ investment in Adwords for yourself

Competitive Analysis to determine who is on Page One for your keyword targets and why. From this research we develop a strategy to outperform the current Top 10 websites for your keyword targets. Dominate your market.


Hint: we have access to the highest authority websites you can get backlinks from in Australia – that our competitors don’t have access to, hence we can feed authority into your website so that it outranks its competition.

Hint: Internal linking and navigation strategies.

We use the most effective internal cross linking and silo navigation website architecture for your website which means your website needs 80% less external backlinks promotion to beat your competitors. Who else does this in Australia?

Then more:

Content optimization to execute the strategy revealed in the research phase. We are particularly skilled at hitting our desired content metric targets with the greatest degree of subtlety and smallest editorial impact.  Even though your web pages are optimized, they still read like you wrote them.

Plus so you can see what is happening

Monthly Reporting Analysis to determine the effect of the changes with your own dedicated client login area.

Rinse and repeat

Monthly Repetition of the process to improve listings based on the feedback from the search engines and to defend your new Page One listings against competition.

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