Ultimate SEO Backlinks Package

You Cannot Rank In Google Without Backlinks.

But not all backlinks are created equal. Some are useless. Some are dangerous.

Not all SEO companies can provide Australian High Page Rank Website backlinks. We can.

Not all SEO comapnies can provide you with Australian High Domain Authority backlinks. We can.

Not all SEO comapnies can provide you with these kind of backlinks from Australian websites.

We can. We will.

Do you understand much about SEO?

The Highest Authority Backlinks You Can Get In Australia – Rocket Fuel For Your Rankings

If you do you will know that a very large component of any seo project’s success is the power of the backlinks that your SEO can provide for you. (see Matt Cutts, head of Search at Google, talk about backlinks, and how you CANNOT rank well in Google without them in the video below at the bottom of the page).

Many SEO companies create backlinks to your website that are useless, and can even damage your website (see Google Penalties & Penguin Algorithm Update). We only create TOP QUALITY  high Google PR backlinks that are relevant to your website and from quality websites which Google acknowledges as having DOMAIN AUTHORITY.

These backlinks are guaranteed to fire your website onto page one of Google. In many cases just one of these links is all it takes to get you onto page one for a specific keyword. And we have access to hundreds of these websites. Our competitors do not.

We have access to both .com and .com.au websites with this kind of power. We know for a fact that our competitors DON’T. And we can prove it to you.


Ask your SEO provider to SHOW YOU the .au high power backlinks they have created. They can’t. We can run an audit of your current SEO work on your site and prove it to you if you like.

Here (below) is an example of the kind of website that we get links from to your website and the high Domain Authority metrics that it has. The website below is an Australian website which is sponsored by High Domian Authority websites, look at its backlinks profile you will see that it is full of high authority websites linking to it.

It is just ONE of the hundreds of websites we can get your website links from – that our competitors cannot. This is ONLY available with our Ultimate SEO Package..

We can put an informative article on this website about your business and link to your website from it making your website an authority in Google’s eyes, because it has been endorsed by Australian Government websites.

This is the power of link juice that you will get on our Ultimate SEO Package.


semrush power metrics


Did you think backlinks were bad?

Below is Matt Cutts the top SEO engineer at Google Search, outlining in an easy to follow explanation, how SEO works from Google’s perspective and explaining that they simply cannot run their algorithm effectively without using BACKLINKS as the major ranking factor in their algorithm.

It is called Link Popularity in SEO.